SM MSP430 1 V1.1

Hardware specifications:
- Supported micro controllers:
MSP430F167 MSP430F1610 MSP430F155 MSP430F168 MSP430F1611 MSP430F156 MSP430F169 MSP430F1612 MSP430F157
- Power supply required: 5VDC (minimum 4.75V, maximum 5.25V). The micro controller chip itself operates on 2.7V to 3.6V, but the module includes a small voltage regulator that produces 3.3V from 5V.
- On chip Flash memory : 60 Kbytes
- On chip Flash EEPROM : 256 Bytes
- On chip Flash SRAM: 5 Kbytes
- I/Os All up to 48 with JTAG pins brought on connector
- On chip ADC: 12-bit A/D Converter, up to 8 channels with Internal Reference, Sample-and-Hold, and Auto-scan Feature. Default internal VREF is 2.5V; external VREF from 1.4V to 3.6V can be applied.
- On chip DAC: Dual 12-Bit Digital-to-Analog (D/A) Converters With Synchronization.
- Crystal:
- 32.768 kHz crystal on Module.
- Provision for 8MHz crystal also provided on Module.
- External Power-On Reset circuits as well as reset switch for manual reset.
- Up to 2 UARTS. RS232 (3 wire) on separate connectors.
- I2C interface with EEPROM AT24C512. Module includes I2C compatible 64KB EEPROM (AT24C512) for non-volatile data storage.
- JTAG connector for programming.
- Industrial Operating Temperature Range -20°C to +70°C.
- The architecture, combined with five low power modes is optimized to achieve extended battery life in portable measurement applications.
- Special Microcontroller Features:
- On-chip voltage comparator.
- Supply Voltage Supervisor/Monitor With Programmable Level Detection.
- Brownout Detector.
- Three-Channel Internal DMA.
- 16-Bit Timer A With Three Capture/Compare Registers , 16-Bit Timer B With Three or Seven Capture/Compare-With-Shadow Registers
- Peripheral Highlights:
- Three types of interrupts
- 16bit TIMER A with three Capture/Compare registers:
- 16bit TIMER B with three OR seven Capture/Compare with shadow registers:
- PWM output
- Two USART module:
- The digitally controlled oscillator (DCO) allows wake-up from low-power modes to active mode in less than 6µs.
- Brownout detector.
- Bootstrap loader.